Mar 3Liked by Mickey Fisher

Thank you for yet another fantastic recommendation regarding music. The storytelling and sure-handed direction in that 3 minute music video is something we all could learn from.

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Mar 1Liked by Mickey Fisher

Great to hear about your progress with your health. Live, dammit, live!

And who knew Matthew McConaughey was in a music video? You buried the lede there, buddy. 😳

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Mar 1Liked by Mickey Fisher

“Habits plus deliberate practice equal mastery.”

Cal Newport's book "So Good They Can't Ignore You" has some incredible information about deliberate practice. Highly recommend checking it out. According to Cal, deliberate practice is one of the best ways to improve your skills.

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Congrats on the health journey! I love hearing about your organic, character-based writing process. It feels so alien to me. Most of my work has been so premise-based, something producers can get excited about, but sometimes feels like my little own IP-factory.

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Mar 1Liked by Mickey Fisher

I love Atomic Habits. Once I put my systems in place life got so much better. Thank you for this reminder on character. I was staring at the Scrivener curser when your newsletter dropped. This was just the inspiration I needed. Thank you! And Kudos on the progress. You’re winning.

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