Thanks again, Mickey!

Your timing couldn't be better on this. Tomorrow is my first day teaching a high school Creative Writing class and I'm simultaneously thrilled and a little freaked out. This essay perfectly distills a lot of what I want to convey to my students, so I'm planning to read this out loud to them and send them the link.



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That’s so awesome, I hope they found it helpful! I’m sure you’re going to be great!

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Whitney Portal huh? Gotta check that out. Thx for the record. Rock on.

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It’s great, let me know if you go!

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Hi, Mickey! Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for sharing your observations and insight. Your generosity of knowledge - especially while working on your novel AND fighting the good fight on the picket line - is much appreciated. Glad you could mentally refresh for your birthday and continue to include us on your creative journey.

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I appreciate that so much, thank you for the kind words!

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Makes me smile. I spends weeks, sometimes a month or two on the opening line of every book. Sending “light” work vibes your way. Stay illuminated my friend. 🥰

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Thank you!

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This is completely lovely. Thank you for the thoughts and observations.

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Thanks for reading!

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Your description of the development phases are the clearest I've seen you outline. It puts into words how I've also felt about my writing flow. The first step reminds me of improv, where it's "yes, and" so that the imagination and story discovery keep going.

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I like the idea that we’re just playing “yes, and” with ourselves. I think that mindset makes us more forgiving and open, like we would be when we’re playing with other people.

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